Todd Jersey Architecture (TJA) with its emphasis on beautiful, sustainable, and affordable design aligns perfectly with the mission-orientation of Strategic Mission Marketing. And, full disclosure, Todd Jersey is my husband! With that said, I only take on clients with whom I feel a philosophical connection so thankfully his business mission, with its careful attention to people and earth care, is in perfect alignment with mine.  A small, nimble business such as TJA needs strategic, affordable marketing strategy. I’ve leveraged assets that exist, re-positioning and refocusing direction to tightly support a positioning that connects with TJA prospective clients. And I’ve created a new campaign  that expands the prospective client pipeline, bringing fresh attention to the services offered. My services include: brand strategy, fully integrated advertising campaign development (social media, online and print advertising plus direct mail) and art direction. Creative partners include Tia Stoller (design), Paul Miller (photographer), and the talented staff at TJA.